

This is a Lookup Table texture.

Neutral LUT

This is a 1024x32 texture. It's not the only possible representation or size. Often it can be represented as a "grid" instead of a "row" like the one above. This post deals with the "row" kind, and even though the shader to apply it might change between different representations, the concept behind it remains the same.

For those familiar with shader programming, it's apparent that the first small quad is something like vec3(uv, 0.0) and the last quad is vec3(uv, 1.0). This tells us that there is a blue channel progression (from left to right in this case).

For those not familiar with shaders you can visualize it this way:

  • Red (x) is a gradient that goes from left to right. Left being 0 and right 1.
  • Green (y) is a gradient that goes from bottom to top. Bottom being 0 and top 1.
  • Blue (z) is a color that remains constant for a quad. It increases by some amount for every quad.

Imagine recomposing a cube from this texture using the blue channel as its z-axis. We end up with a cube that stores the LUT colors. If we think about RGB as a position vector inside the newly created cube volume, we can find the LUT color that maps to the original image RGB color.

To accurately represent each color we would need a gigantic 256x256x256 LUT. This is not possible or simply not worth it in many cases. We can instead take advantage of GL_LINEAR and mix() to get away with a much smaller texture size.

This specific texture is a neutral LUT. If we were to apply it (and you can do this in the demo below) to an image, there would be no difference.


Using WebGL2 we have access to 3D textures. Using texStorage3D() and texSubImage3D() WebGL2 will construct the volume cube for us. After that we need a simple shader that takes the original texture color and uses it to index the cube. There is a good stackoverflow answer that outlines how to do this.

Shader Lookup

For those who have to support WebGL1, or for whatever reason don't want to use a 3D texture, there is a way of doing it inside a fragment shader.

Here's the shader:

#version 300 es

precision highp float;

uniform vec2 uRes;
uniform sampler2D uTex;
uniform sampler2D uLUT;
uniform float uLUTSize;
uniform float uStrength;

out vec4 outColor;

void main() {
    vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / uRes;
    vec4 tex = texture(uTex, uv);

    tex.r = clamp(0.0, 1.0, tex.r);
    tex.g = clamp(0.0, 1.0, tex.g);
    tex.b = clamp(0.0, 1.0, tex.b);
    vec4 lut = texture(uLUT, uv);

    float maxSize = uLUTSize - 1.0;
    float maxCellCoord = 1.0 - (1.0 / uLUTSize);
    vec2 halfTexel = 0.5 / vec2(uLUTSize * uLUTSize, uLUTSize);

    float redOffset = halfTexel.x + tex.r * (maxCellCoord / uLUTSize);
    float greenOffset = halfTexel.y + tex.g * maxCellCoord;

    float blue = tex.b * maxSize;

    float leftCell = floor(blue);
    float rightCell = ceil(blue);

    vec2 left = vec2(
        leftCell / uLUTSize + redOffset,

    vec2 right = vec2(
        rightCell / uLUTSize + redOffset,

    vec3 color = mix(
        texture(uLUT, left).rgb,
        texture(uLUT, right).rgb,

    color = mix(tex.rgb, color, uStrength);    

    outColor = vec4(color, tex.a);
  • This is often a post-processing effect, so it makes sense to make sure that the colors are in a 0 to 1 range to avoid artifacts.
  • maxCellCoord is used for precision, to avoid getting out of a single cell bounds.
  • halfTexel is used to sample at the center of a texel instead of the bottom-left origin.
  • redOffset and greenOffset the position of r and g inside a single cell. To visualize what's happening keep in mind we are still working inside one of those small quads of the texture.
  • blue is the "z" position. To get the value we multiply the texture blue channel with the maximum amount of cells maxSize. To get maxSize we removed one from uLUTSize to avoid going out of bounds when getting the cell to the right of the last one.
  • We want to sample the value of two consecutive cells/quads. To get the left one, use floor() ,and to get the right one, use ceil().
  • left and right are the coordinates at which we will sample the LUT color.
  • We mix the result using the fractional part of blue. The bigger the fractional part, the closer we are to the right cell. The opposite is also true.
  • You can ignore uStrength, it's a value that modulates how much of the LUT color to use in the final image.
Look up table texture
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