
Poisson disk sampling

Poisson Disk Sampling is an algorithm that guarantees that, for every point in an n-dimensional space, the distance between a point and every other point is not smaller than a given distance.

At first glance, the problem doesn't seem worthy of a strange name like Poisson Disk Sampling, so let's try to solve it in the easiest possible way.

We can use a random function to pick a point in space. If the distance between this point and every other point is greater than the minimum distance, we add it to our points. We then repeat this process for n-times until we have filled the space.

If you need a small number of points, it may be worth considering this naive approach just for the sake of simplicity.

The problem with our naive approach is that, for every new point, the algorithm becomes increasingly slower. In big O notation, our algorithm has a O(n²) running time, which means it grows exponentially for every new point. Play with the demo below and check out how easy it is to reach millions of iterations.

Naive Distribution
20 100
1 30
Iterations: 0

Space Subdivision

Visually, it's easy to see how to fix this. For every new point added, we should only check if there are points inside the circle created with the point as its center and the minimum distance as its radius.

To do that, we are going to implement spatial partitioning. The name is scarier than what it actually is, which is just dividing the space into a grid to get a bunch of square cells that will hold our points.

Doing this allows us to reduce the area we need to check to just a 5x5 grid with the cell that holds our point as its center.

The cell size is not chosen randomly, instead, we use the minimum distance between points as its diagonal so that each cell contains at most one point. We then obtain its side by dividing its diagonal by the square root of 2.

Sample Matrix
30 100

The Algorithm

There are many different ways to implement Poisson Disk Sampling. I've decided to implement the one described by Robert Bridson in his Fast Poisson Disk Sampling in Arbitrary Dimensions paper, which, as far as I know, is also the most popular one.

The algorithm is composed of three steps.

The first step is dividing the space into a grid. The paper uses this grid to create an n-dimensional array to contain the points. I've decided to store them in a 1-dimensional array using their x and y coordinates to find their index.

const side = radius / Math.SQRT2;
const gridW = Math.floor(width / side) + 1;
const gridH = Math.floor(height / side) + 1;

const points = new Array(gridW * gridH).fill(null);

const xIndex = Math.floor(point[0] / side);
const yIndex = Math.floor(point[1] / side);

const index = Math.floor(yIndex * gridW + xIndex);

points[index] = point;

The second step is generating a random point inside the space, inserting it into the points array and into another array which the paper calls the "active list".

The "active list" is an array that will help us keep track of which point we are using to generate other random points in its proximity. It works similarly to a queue , meaning the first point that goes in is also the first point processed.

The last step is the actual algorithm.

For each point inside the "active list," we are going to try n-times, where n is our sample variable, to create a random point that has a distance between r and r*2 from our "active point".

const r = radius + radius * Math.sqrt(Math.random());
const theta = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;

const newPoint = [
    point[0] + r * Math.cos(theta),
    point[1] + r * Math.sin(theta),

To check if the new point collides, we need to find its cell index. Once we have that, we can check the 5x5 matrix around that cell with a simple for loop and a little bit of math.

Using the Euclidean distance function, without squaring as it's an expensive function, we find if the points collide.

const xIndex = Math.floor(newPoint[0] / side);
const yIndex = Math.floor(newPoint[1] / side);

 * No matter where the point is, we just need to look at the 5x5 grid around our cell.
 * From my understanding it's not really a 5x5 as I can avoid checking
 * the 4 corners since I only check if the distance is smaller than 2r not equal or greater.
for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
    if (i === 0 || i === 4 || i === 20 || i === 24) {
        if (!corners) {

    const xDiff = Math.floor((i % 5) - 2);
    const yDiff = Math.floor(i / 5 - 2);

    const newIndex = index2DTo1D(
        xIndex + xDiff,
        yIndex + yDiff,
    const pointToCheck = points[newIndex];

    if (pointToCheck !== null) {
        const a = pointToCheck[0] - newPoint[0];
        const b = pointToCheck[1] - newPoint[1];
        const dSquared = a * a + b * b;
        if (dSquared < rSquared) {
            collides = true;

If there is a valid new point, we add it to both the points array and the queue. If there isn't, we remove the current "active point" from the queue.

Once the queue is empty the algorithm is finished. All that's left to do is looping through the points array and removing null values since the algorithm does not guarantee that every cell has a point.

Poisson Disk Sampling
10 100
1 50
Iterations: 0